Monday, January 19, 2009

Si Jia Min Wo Hen Xiang Qia Si Ni / Ai Si Ni

HEY this is unfair man arent i the one who ask you to revive ur blog huh!?!?! thn hor i rly miss oops leh zzzz dreamt of it last night man i wan outing as guild ldr la hor pls go org take it as compensation for my $$$ and hor org muz tell me hor i jio vic hahaha

TY for helping me that day yea i din tell anyone and err yea i explain to u how i kena hit it was heeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllll

1st she stepped my leg
2nd she kik me
3rd she kik my there
4th i block
5th she slapped me

And damn lor plan backfire instd of she heck care me now she care more wtf............

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